Prepare for OAT
Increase your OAT Score with flexible preparation courses
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The Optometry Admission Test (OAT) is a test used to determine applicants’ qualification for admission to a school of optometry. All colleges of optometry in the United States and the University of Waterloo in Canada use scores from the exam. The test consists of four sections: Survey of the Natural Sciences, Reading Comprehension, Physics, and Quantitative Reasoning. The test lasts, at most, for a total of 4 hours and 50 minutes.

In this course, the student will:
Take 10 full-length tests
Profit from numerous mini content area tests
Review key skills and concepts in the content area
Learn and practice test-taking strategies
Master time management
Discover techniques to manage testing experience
Private tutoring or classroom sessions
Tutoring is offered Monday – Friday
Practice test is every Saturday at 9:00